Volunteers take care of the extensive trail system of Mt. Tom State Reservation and the near 13 mile New England National Scenic Trail ridge-line that extends from Holyoke to West Springfield. Here are some of the key reason why we do:
- Passive recreational resource close to home.
- Economic asset to Holyoke and our four abutting sister cities.
- Impacts heavily on the quality of life.
- Contact with a wide variety of plant, animal, and aquatic habitat.
- Rich history, 22-plus miles of trails, hilltop views, picnic spots.
- Close to eateries, two golf courses, shopping, and transportation.
Want to stay in touch with other volunteers? An informal group concerned with the future of the range meets periodically at Mt. Tom State Reservation to share ideas for events and making reservation as well as ridge-line improvements. Post a note below.
Please note: Exploring the Mt. Tom Range is a non commercial public service website created by its sponsor to promote awareness and preservation of the Mt. Tom Range largely as undeveloped open space. This site does not represent the policies and practices of any federal, state, or local public agency or private organization.